This page transcribed by Dick Dunn
427 Squadron Wartime Log - January 1943
No flying was carried out due to weather conditions. The Squadron is prepared. and anxious for a full operational programme and hopes that it will be called. upon in the near future.
Six aircraft went to Middleton St George for mining operations· but it was canceled by Group Headquarters. Tractor starting trolleys etc. were sent over to Middleton St George by road and it was found that these facilities helped in getting the aircraft ready on time.
Six aircraft went on minelaying operations off the Frisian Islands. Three aircraft piloted by Pilot Officer Bennett, Sgt Chambers, and Sgt Johnson got a pinpoint and dropped their mines. The other three were not so fortunate with the weather and found the position allocated to them obscured by 10/10 cloud, consequently they were unable to obtain a pin point and returned to base with their mines. Aircraft "L" piloted by Sgt Chambers had a hole in the starboard wing about a foot square due to "flak". All aircraft returned to Base safely. (Editors Note: These were the operational missions flown by the new No 6 RCAF Bomber Group).

Five aircraft were detailed for minelaying but the operations were canceled on weather conditions. Local flying took place.
No flying - the weather still being bad. A lecture was given by Squadron leader McKay, "B" Flight Commander on Petrol Cock manipulations.
No flying due to weather conditions.
Seven aircraft were detailed for mining operations. Air tests were carried out but the operations were scrubbed.
Seven aircraft were detailed for mining off the Frisian Islands. Four were able to pinpoint their positions and drop their mines, but the remainder returned with their load. All Aircraft returned safely.

No flying due to weather conditions. A lecture was given on icing by the meteorological Officer.
Six aircraft were detailed for minelaying but it was scrubbed on account of icing conditions.
A full programme of training flying was arranged but had to be scrubbed owing 10 the weather closing down.
Air to sea practice vas carried out by two crews, also a day Cross country flight.
Seven aircraft were detailed for operations against LORIENT. The weather during the day was misty and very cold. The crews were in the aircraft ready to take off when news was received that the operation was scrubbed due to icing conditions.
Seven aircraft were again detailed. for operations against LORIENT. Six aircraft took off in six minutes. Sgt Chambers in "P" had to be scrubbed at the last moment due to engine trouble developing whilst running up. This was the first bombing raid undertaken by the Squadron. Squadron Leader M.A.L. Williams, "A" Flight Commander and crew in "K" failed to return, the other five landed at Tangmere. The pilots reported that they had successfully bombed the target and three photographs were obtained.

The five aircraft did not return from Tangmere due to weather. One aircraft was detailed for mining off the Frisian Islands. The weather was extremely poor all day and there was no surprise when the operation was cancelled. Flight Lieutenant Peters took over temporary command of "A" Flight due to S/L Williams being missing.
The aircraft away at Tangmere returned to Base. No further flying carried out due to weather conditions being unserviceable. Total flying for the day was 8:15 hours.
An intensive flying training programme laid on for today was cancelled due to bad weather. This programme was designed primarily to bring more of the crews up to full operational standard. Crews detailed were disappointed at having their programme scrubbed.
The weather continued to be unserviceable for flying of any sort. The aircrew attended an intelligence lecture by the local Operations Officer.
Five aircraft were detailed for a minelaying trip. At the last minute, however, the operation was scrubbed due to bad weather.21/1/43
Six aircraft were detailed for minelaying off the Frisian Islands. Five only took off, P/O Parsons being a non-starter due to engine trouble. Four aircraft returned safely but Flight Lieutenant D.A. Shead and his crew consisting of Sgts Patrick, Oram, Sparling and Hoyt did not return from this operation. Sgt Vandekerchkove did not drop his mines due to his not being able to pinpoint.

No flying carried out this date and weather. unserviceable.
No operations ordered for today. Weather continued very unsatisfactory and only two hours and forty-five minutes flying training was done all day.
Ten aircraft were detailed for an operational bombing trip. All the aircraft were bombed up and all crews ready to go when the operation was scrubbed due to bad weather.
Night aircraft were detailed for a minelaying trip. As was the case the previous day at the last minute the operation was scrubbed due to the weather. The Commanding Officer went to 13 Group Operations Room at Newcastle on a fighter liaison trip.
Nine aircraft were detailed for a main target bombing operation. Eight of the aircraft successfully bombed the target (see appendices). Sgt Hartney returned early due to engine trouble and landed at Harwell. Sgt Johnson returned to the home base, but the other aircraft landed as indicated due to lack of fuel. P/O Bennett and P/S (sic) Gagnon at Wing, F/S Cadeus at Sesland, Sgt Vandekerchkove at Dishforth, F/S Fellner at Exeter, Sgt Williams at Harwell. P/O Taylor crashed into a hillside at Edale near Sheffield on the way home to Base. Miraculously, only F/O Mortimer was hurt and his injuries are of a slight nature although he was admitted to Buxton Hospital. Aircraft crashed on the only flat surface within ten miles and although the aircraft was written off, the escape of all members of the crew was so fortunate it was, therefore, the feature story of some Sunday papers.

All the aircraft diverted the previous night returned to Base today with exception of F/O Mortimer in hospital, returned to Croft by train. No operational flying carried out this date.
No flying of any sort done this date due to weather being completely unserviceable.
Nine aircraft detailed for a bombing raid, only six took off, the other three being non-starters due to engine trouble. Sgt Vandekerchkove turned back due to severe icing. The other five aircraft successfully bombed the target, there being severe icing conditions and 10/10 cloud from Croft to the target and back necessitating some 51 hours solid instrument flying on the part of the pilots. Sgt Vandekerchkove landed at Base as did Sgt Johnson and F/L Peters. W/C Burnside D.F.C. and Sgt Hartney landed at Narpoll. Sgt Williams landed at Feremore.

Two aircraft detailed for the Squadron' s first daylight bombing raid. S/L Holley and P/O Bennet took off. S/L McKay return before reaching the objective due to weather being unfavourable for a daylight attack. P/O Bennet and his crew, consisting of P/O Kent and Sgt Phillips, Wallace and Smith, G.l. did not return and are missing from this operation. The aircraft diverted the previous night returned to base today.
Four aircraft and crews stood by at 0800 hrs today ready if needed for a daylight bombing operation but the operation was scrubbed by Group.
POSTINGS (To and from the Unit)
P/O W.R. Pullen J15729 - Posted to this Unit from RAF Peaklington wef 29.1.43
P/O O.S. Milne J13068 - Posted to this Unit from 23 OTU wef 27.1.43
F/O J. Chasenoff C8455 - Posted to this Unit from 421 Sqn. wef 8.1.43
F/O L.W. Somers - Posted to this Unit from 1654 Con Unit wef 18.1.43
P/O Greening 130516 - Posted to this Unit from 1654 Con Unit wef 18.1.43
P/O Ganderton J10133 - Posted to this Unit from 14 OTU wef 21.1.43
F/O W.E.P. Seeder J13272 - Posted to this Unit from 14 OTU wef 21.1.43
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