This page transcribed by Dick Dunn
427 Squadron Wartime Log - December 1942
The Squadron became officially operational. No flying was carried out as the weather was extremely misty. Lectures were given on Security by Flight Lieutenant Phillips and on Beam approach by Squadron Leader Allies.
Information was received that 6 crews were wanted for the first operations - minelaying near the Frisian Islands - but after briefing had taken place there was great disappointment that it was scrubbed. The six crews, however, went on a cross country exercise which was completed successfully.
A very cold day. No flying on account of ice. Sergeant Kavanagh arrived from Records Gloucester to inquire into our personnel difficulties. Records were contacted with regard to a W.O. Armourer and we were informed that one would be posted immediately. There was no night flying on account of the weather.
At mid-day instructions were received to send two aircraft on a minelaying operation. The aircraft were despatched to Middleton St GeOrge to be mined up (no mines being held at this station), but at 1600 hrs word was received that the operation was scrubbed.
An extremely windy and cold day. Group Captain Ross (R.C.A.F) the new Station Commander visited the station. Two aircraft were detailed for minelaying operations but they were again scrubbed.
The under-mentioned pilots went as Second Pilots with No. 420 Squadron, R.C.A.F. to Mannheim, this being the final part of their training for operations.
- R. 98109 Sgt Higgins,F.J.
- R106393 Sgt Vandekerckhove, G.P.C.
- 1387190 Sgt Rodwell, A.
- P/O Taylor, C.A.
- R103722 Sgt Hartney, H.D.
- 124211 P/O Parsons, C.M.
All Pilots returned safely. Two A./C. were detailed for minelaying but at the last moment it was scrubbed, much to the disappointment of the crews concerned.
One crew did circuits and bumps. Two crews were detailed for a night cross country but it had to be cancelled on account of the weather.
Nine aircraft were prepared for a Bull's Eye Exercise with take off at 1700 hrs. Four aircraft were airborne when notification was received that the exercise was scrubbed. The aircraft were recalled without difficulty. An airman LAC Perry, had the misfortune to lose a finger by coming into contact with the wire cutting apparatus on the wing whilst spreading de-icing grease.
Circuits and Bumps and air testing. The details set off on a cross country flight which they completed successfully. One aircraft on a high flying test lost its bearing and was one hour and a half late returning to base. Weather prevented any flying taking place. The day was misty and there were frequent showers.
Weather prevented any flying from taking place.The day was misty and there were frequent showers.
Three Lancasters, three Stirlings and a Wellington landed in the early morning from a Cross Country Flight. No local flying carried out on account of the weather.
Two aircraft were detailed for minelaying operations from Middleton St George but they were again scrubbed. Wing Commander Harritt of No.4 Group visited the Squadron.
Circuits and Bumps,were carried out. Two aircraft were detailed for mine laying operations from Middleton St George but it was again scrubbed. One aircraft went on a cross country exercise which was carried out successfully. The Commanding Officer went to Middleton St George to meet Air Vice Marshal C.R. Carr, C.B.E., D.F.C, A.F.C. the Air Officer Commanding, No.4 Group, and was informed that the Squadron had until January 1st, 1943 to become fully operational.
Three aircraft went to Middleton St George to go on a minelaying operation and on this occasion it was not scrubbed. Two aircraft returned. with their mines due to difficulties in pin pointing their position. The third, Sgt Gagnon &: Crew, was successful. All returned safely. A Squadron Initiation Dance was held at the Croft Spa Hotel and was extremely successful. The Squadron has now, after many abortive attempts, become operational.

Four crews went to Middleton St George for minelaying operations but it was scrubbed.
Six aircraft were detailed for a "Bull's Eye" Exercise which was carried out successfully. The aircraft were marshalled before take off and got away in eleven minutes.
Four crews went to Middleton St George for minelaying operations but it was again scrubbed. Low cloud prevented any local flying.
No flying on account of weather conditions - low cloud, rain end mist.
Again no flying on account of weather. Ground crews are finding it extremely difficult to work on the aircraft as there are no. hangars, all work must be done at the dispersal points and consequently there is no shelter.
One aircraft did some air to air firing practices but the weather closed down and he had to land at Driffield. Four crews were detailed for operations but they were scrubbed.
Nine aircraft proceeded on a Sea Rescue Search. Three taking off from Middleton St George. This was the first time that a comparatively large number were called upon. All got away successfully and carried out a search of the area ordered but with negative results.
Four aircraft went on a Bull's Eye Exercise which was carried out successfully. The crews remarked on the small number of searchlights. Night fighters were seen but no aircraft was attacked.
Air to Air training carried out, also local flying. Two pilots were on dual flying - converting from Wellington IC to Wellington III.
Weather prevented any flying. Low cloud and mist prevailed all day.
Xmas Day.The Squadron were "stood down" and the ground crews had a well earned break. The Officers served the mid-day meal in the airmen's mess, according to the R.A.F. traditions. The Mayor of Darlington supplied a pint of ale for each member of the Squadron.
The Squadron was "stood down" and the Xmas festivities continued.
Weather prevented any flying. The ground crews returned to work in full force and generally expressed their appreciation of the arrangements made for them over Xmas.
Air tests and local flying were carried out. Night circuits and Bumps were done, also consumption test flights.
Night flying tests were carried out by ten aircraft but the Exercise had to be scrubbed on account of the weather closing down.
Air tests and local flying. One crew did night circuits and Bumps. The wind was very gusty and the circuits and bumps were abandoned after three landings.
Fighter affiliation and Cross Country Flights carried out. One aircraft landed at Saltby. Air to Sea practice was also carried out
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