This page transcribed by Dick Dunn
427 Squadron Wartime Log - February 1943
Numerical Strength of Unit as at 1st of February, 1943.
Aircrew | Goundcrew | Total | |
RCAF Officers | 10 | 4 | 14 |
RCAF Aircrew | 67 | 94 | 161 |
R.A.F. Officers | 15 | 1 | 16 |
R.A.F. Aircrew | 58 | 239 | 294 |
Other Personnel | 3 | - | 3 |
Total | - | - | 491 |
Three aircraft were detailed for a daylight bombing raid, but the weather was found unsuitable for this type of operation and the operation was scrubbed at noon. The Squadron was stood down for the rest of the day.
No operations were detailed for this date and it gave the Squadron an opportunity to carry out an intensive training program. Three night cross country trips were carried out as well as local flying.
Night aircraft were detailed for a main target operation in Germany. At briefing it was suggested that the severe layer of icing conditions might prevent the aircraft from completing the operation and this proved to be the case. The operation was'scrubbed at the last moment.
Nine aircraft were detailed to attack the submarine base at Lorient. The aircraft took off in two lots. These carrying incendiaries first. Eight of the aircraft successfully bombed the target and returned to England. P/O Parsons and his crew did not return from this operation and are listed as missing. Photographs showed that Sgts Johnson and Schmitt bombed directly on to the aiming point, the only squadron on the operation with two aircraft bombing directly onto the aiming point. Six aircraft 1anded at base - the other two landed at Longmanston and Church Honeybourne. P/S Higgins overshot at Long Manston but damage was very minor.

No operations were detailed for this date and the Squadron had a stand down. The weather was unsuitable for all flying and no flying training was carried on.
Two aircraft were detailed for an operation mining trip. Two of the new crew, Sgt Erickson and Sgt Rames did the trip and both returned safety after dropping their mines.

Three aircraft were detailed to stand by for a daylight bombing trip but this operation was scrubbed. Five aircraft were detailed for a bombing trip on Lorient in the evening. Only four took off, the other being scrubbed due to Technical defect. These four aircraft successfully bombed the target and all returned safely to Base.

The Squadron was stood down today - "B" Flight had a flight party in Barlington which was very successful. Weather was unsuitable for flying.
No operations were detailed for today. The weather being unsuitable for any flying. Training or otherwise.
Four aircraft were detailed to stand by for a daylight bombing raid but this was scrubbed. Five aircraft were detailed for mining operations but this operation was also scrubbed at the last minute due to weather conditions.
No operations were scheduled for this date due to unfavourable weather conditions.
Six aircraft were detailed for mine laying. All aircraft took off but only five returned to base - Sgt Adlam and his crew crashed into the hills near Thornaby and all. were killed. The photograph taken by F/S Borg of Lorient during the Feb 4th raid was in all the London papers to demonstrate the destruction caused by the R.A.F. raids.

Twelve aircraft were detailed to attack Lorient - Two of the aircraft returned to base early, one due to icing and one due to faulty navigation. The other Ten aircraft reached the Target but Sgt Ramus did not drop his 4000 lbs bomb due to a faulty release mechanism. The nine aircraft very successfully bombed the Target reporting larger fires than ever seen before. Six aircraft landed back at Base - The others landed at Marvell, Middle Gallep, Bansbury and Lexsing.

Five aircraft were detailed to bomb Colonge in Western Germany. Two aircraft returned early - one due to W/T. Failure and the other due to Turret trouble. The other three aircraft Captained by Sgts Follner, Williams and Schmitt successfullybombed the target.
Four aircraft were detailed for mine laying this date, but the operation was scrubbed and the Squadron had a stand down for the rest of the day - welcomed by the whole Squadron in view of the part that we had operated for three nights running.
Nine aircraft were detailed to bomb the submarine base at Lorient. All aircraft successfully bombed the target - Sgt Halloway and his crew landed in Southern Ireland, safe and uninjured with the exception of Sgt Tayler D.H. who was very slightly injured. The attack generally on Lorient was very successful.

Three aircraft were detailed for daylight stand by, but this operation was scrubbed due to· unfavourable weather conditions. No other operations were scheduled for this date.
No operations were scheduled for this date and the Squadron had a standdown.
Seven aircraft were detailed to attack the naval arsenal at Wilhemshaven (slide spelling Wilhelmshaven) but only six aircraft took off - the seventh being scrubbed due to technical trouble. The six aircraft very successfully bombed the target and all. returned safely.

Four aircraft were detailed to stand by for a daylight bombing attack, but this operation was scrubbed due to unfavourable weather conditions.
Four aircraft were detailed for a mine laying operation, but this was scrubbed at the last minute due to unfavourable weather.
Eight aircraft were detailed to bomb HAMBURG, but this operation was scrubbed due to unfavourable weather conditions.
The unfavourable weather continued and no operations were scheduled for this date.
Eight aircraft were detailed to bomb HAMBURG, but at the last minute the target was changed to WILHEMSHAVEN (slide spelling Wilhelmshaven). All the aircraft successfully bombed the target through 10/10th' s cloud and returned safety to Base. The Squadron bombed by means of hanging flares dropped by the Pathfinder aircraft.

Four aircraft were detailed for a mine laying operation. While the aircraft were marshaled a Mustang taxied into one of our Wellingtons. One of the other aircraft did not start due to electrical trouble. The other two aircraft successfully dropped their mines.

Seven aircraft were detailed to bomb COLOGNE in Western Germany. Five aircraft returned to Base safety. Sgt Taylor bombed COLOGNE successfully, but on the way home he crashed at R.A.F. Station North Luffenham and he and four of his crew were killed and his gunner critically injured. Sgt Harwood. and his crew were missing from this raid.

No operations were scheduled for this date.
Three aircraft were detailed for daylight bombing operations but this was scrubbed. Six aircraft were detailed for a bombing raid on the Submarine base at St. Hazaire (slide says St. Nazaire). Only five took off then being one non-starter due to mechanical trouble. One aircraft piloted by Sgt Hartney is missing and one aircraft piloted by Sgt Southwood ran out of petrol over Southern Ireland and the Crew parachuted to safety.

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