Update Page
This update page details modifications made to the web site since its inception. Update links will be posted on the Home page. There are no links on this page but you can still go to News to access any link or use the search box above to go to a name or event. Ensure you check the 427 only search box.
It would be appreciated if you identify any errors or corrections in placement or design. They be forwarded to Webmanager with the correction needed and the browser and version that you are using.
2024 additions and updates
- Index page now snowing and Xmas Greetings
- ROAR November 2024 added
- Claude Dixon and John England obituries added
- Remembrance Day 2024 - An Interview with "Doc" Payne
- Dale Horley and Gordon Nicolas obituaries added
- S/L John England and Nathan Isaacs(WW II)obituaries added
- updates on a few links, photos taken by a Squadron Photographer uploaded, several obits further modified
- ROAR May 2024 issue posted
- updated obituaries, Tony Bosman, Bob Precott, Wayne Durkee, Dick Kaye, Keith Lavender, Lucky Lawson, Andrew Mercer, Ted Millar, Ed Rozdeba, Slim Schneider, Bruce Sheasby, Wally Sloan, Bill Wright
- added missing biography for SCWO Mark Jones
- 2023 GoL NOW to take place now on April 5 & 6, 2024 in conjunction with RCAF Cenntenial Ball
2023 additions and updates
- 2023 GoL to take place on April 12& 13 2024 in conjunction with RCAF Cenntenial Ball
- November ROAR posted
- Willie Floyd obituary added
- Charles Procter Obituary added
- Updated Videos page
- Photos from SPAADS 2022 Montreal. Courtesy of Dean Black, Director, Air Force Association.
- Videos and photos donated by Heather & Hugh Bacon
- new Videos from "back in the day" filmed by the National Film Board
- Fixed several links-more to be done. Please report any broken links
- May ROAR posted
- Helicopter history page updated
- Clarence Kenneth Derry obituary added
- Fran McNaughton obituary
- Splash page changed to normal
2022 additions and updates
- Splash page changed for xmas
- Roar - November 2022 Issue posted
- Beth MacLellan obituary
- Chuck Page Obituary at 102
- GoL notice November 25/26 2022 - 80th Anniversary
- Update Membership Form & fix links
- Fixing/Editing
- Danny Kaye's Diary Comments
- Fixing/Editing
- Report on Harry's birthday celebration
- Harry Winter's 100th Birthday
- ROAR May 2022 Issue
- Obit for Pete Harrison
- 2021 Financial Report
- Hank Gritter obituary added
- 422 Squadron Link updated
- Update of membership page but more checking needed
- Added new link on Homepage side bar "Looking For...". Members'searches for long lost friends
- Modified ROAR headers
- Bio added for Kathryn Poudrier
2021 additions and updates
- Christmas Greeting
- All Doc Payne interview videos added
- Cobden Remembrance Day Service
- November ROAR Issue added
- 100,110 feet-One for the Record by Bud White
- Obits for Arthur Barker, Bill Brown, Doug Riddell, Keith Patrick, Ron Potter and Swede Larsen
- Added Air Div Report June 1, 1959 to November 30, 1959
- Link fixed for several links - All posted should now work
- Obit for Joe Couillard
- Obit for Shawn Coyle
- Dave Lowdon's story - Back in the Day-A Helicopter Story
- A link to Dick Dunn's website and book
- Membership list updated
- ROAR - May 2021 posted and added
- Eric Mold's books
- The Bob Penrose Story
- Bob Penrose obituary posted
- Night of the Generals story added
- Modified Remember page & proved links
- Posted obituary for Major General James Hanna
- Finished posting all ROARs to the web site
- Combined Final Financial Report 2020/2019/2018
2020 additions and updates.
- Dick Dunn awarded the Lionheart award
- Normal front page-Sleigh Operating notes to Stories
- Added Xmas splash page and Sleigh Operating notes
- Added ROAR Vol 1 issue 2 and issue 4
- Obits added for Ken Fowler, Vincent Warwick and Paddy Lawrence
- Finance Report 11 months of 2020
- Book Review of LOACH pilot added
- GUARDAIR historical data found
- Bio added for Ed Gosden, Sask Wilford, Dick Dunn
- Updated AboutUs links
- Bio added for Michael Dabros, Bruce Carnegie
- ROAR November 2020 posted
- Bio added for Rick Findley, Wayne MacLellan, Walt Pirie, Rick McLaughlin
- George Little obituary
- Bios added for Ken Sorfleet, Timothy Riutta Bryon Mask and Rick Barker
- Remembrance Day motif added for 427Squadron.com
- Bio/Books/Story file modified to ease access
- Tom Osler obituary
- Change of Command - New CO LCol François Lavertu
- LCol Lavertu's biography posted
- Alfred Holmes Obituary
- Minor web site errors fixed
- All ROARs from 1996 now on web site
- Bio/Book/Story page on web site updated
- Update report on Chuck's Birthday
- Chuck Page - His Wartime Story
- updated Derek Brinkley & Allen Horten Obit
- new link - aviation.net/li>
- Chuck Page initial
- added 2019 final finance report
- added some new links
- ROAR Volume 5, Issue 2 - May, 2020 published
- Minor web site errors corrected and links fixed
- Allan Todd obituary
- BGen Clancy bio added, updated BGen Whale bio
- ROAR errors and typos corrected
- Bob Chisholm obituary added
- Derek Brinkley obituary added
2019 additions and updates.
- 2019 Finance Report to end of November 2019
- ROAR Volume 5 Issue 1 - December 2019 published
- Obituary for Colleen Young, Bernie Hamel
- Obituary for Neil Lakins
- Obituary for Bill Grip
- 2019 GoL Report
- 2019 GoL Invitation
- Added another Sabre era photo album by Neil Lakins
- Obituary for Don McNaughton
- Obituary for Ian Thompson (WW II)
- Editorial fixes and broken links fixed
- added info to Hank Siemans Obit
- Obituary for Chuck Reed
- re-did the albums at history/f_86.html with J album
- Obituaries for Garth Mawhinney and Hank Siemens
- A Histroy of the Canadian Forces Network {CFN)in Air Division
- Harry Siemans Story
- bios for LCol Jeremy Fountain & HonCol Lianne Ing
- Link added - Veterans Discount Guide
- posted obituaries for Raplh Annis,Jim Bridges, Bill Hind
- Harry Winter, W/Op Air - His Story as a POW
- posted obituary for Hon/Col Del Lippert
- changed index and page_1 back to regular
2018 additions and updates
- fixed broken link to 427 SOAS
- changed index & page_1 to Xmas
- index page back to standard crest
- Harry Winter's Travels in 2018
- change of index page to remembrance header until November 11
- Obit for Walt Scott
- changed Logo to 427 Lion Squadron Association
- notified and added Walter Charles McInnes to Remember page
- Change of Command - L/Col Jeremy Fountain new CO
- The International Bomber Command Centre dedication added
- Last Call - SPAADS reunion Vancouver September 7 - 10, 2018
- Lieutenant-General Chris Coates, former CO of 427,2004-06, assumes NORAD post
- Obits added for Ed Carter-Edwuards and Keith Graham
- Honourary Colonel Del Lippert finishes tour
- Obit added for Jim Mar
- New ROAR - January 2018
2017 additions and updates.
- Added home page link for Facebook Page
- Home page back to "normal"
- modified enter and home page for Christmas
- Changed index and remember page to reflect November 11
- 75th Anniversary Report and Links
- Cenotaph Dedication photos - October 15, 2017
- GoL Dinner photos
- GoL Dinner brochure added
- Lionheart award presented to H/Col Del Lippert by the Association at the GoL Dinner, October 14, 2017
- Cenotaph Dedication Speech by Walt Pirie representing the Association
- Cenotaph completed and photos
- Obit added for Tom Reid
- Updated GoL information
- Update cenotaph information
- Obit added for Danny Kaye
- Obits added for Earl McCurdy, Jim Moffat and Beau Warrian
- GoL 2017 information
- Updated Cenotaph fund raising
- Updated Cenotaph names
- Cenotaph Lion updated photos
- Financial Report 2016
- Update ROAR link
- An email from Dan Dempsey- The Sarnia Golden Hawk
- Added Updated Cenotaph Brochure
- Ed McKeogh photo album added
- Posted some 1959 maps
- Modified 427 Green Book into Chapters to load faster
- Modified ROAR selection for printing
2016 additions and updates.
- several minor updates
- Another chapter of Vern White's book added
- F/L R.J. Hayhurst added to Remember page
- Adding more chapters to Vern White's book
- Missing casuality added to 24 March 1944 ops log
- Added another reference link to W/C Burside's Remember page
- John McCrae's War, an NFB video for November 11
- 2016 October ROAR
- AFA's Cenotaph Fund Raising appeal
- SPAADS report and photos by Dick Dunn
- Added "Green Book"
- 2016 SPAADS reunion video
- Added F86 Photos_See 427 History/F86
- link updates and other edits
- Claude LaFrance obituary added
- 427 Sqn. aircrew names 1942-1970
- Minor editing changes
- Memorial fund raising information
- 2016 Change of Command from L/Col Jeff Orr to L/Col Clay Rook
- Biography updated for Major General Christian Drouin
- CF-104 Starfighter article added
- Updated CF-104 page, added photos
- Recently notified obituaries,see front page side bar
- Final 2015 Treasurer's Report
- Spring ROAR, Volume 3 Issue 3
- Recently notified obituaries, see front page side bar
2015 additions and updates.
- Recently notified obituary for Ken Williams
- Squadron Information regarding the 2016 Gathering of Lions
- Recently notified obituary for Roy Newman, R211930
- Recently notified obituary for James Gordon Joy, John Smart, Chet Randall, Don Buchanan, Doug Nicholson
- Recently notified obituary for Robert John (Bob) Macaulay, Ernest Wood, Howell Young
- Recently notified obituary for James Thomas Head
- New Treasurer & address change
- New Tax Deduction information
- 2014 Revised Financial Report
- Sask retires as Treasurer
- Peter Moyer obituary
- 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain - Ottawa
- 427 WW II Ops Orders by Weldon Moffatt
- Sgt Ed Carter_Edwards - Buchenwald POW - His story
- 2014 Finance added
- ROAR Volume 3 #2
- Update membership lists
- Additional obituaries
- John Shute obituary
- Honouray Colonel Delbert Lippert biography added
- Defence Connexion
- LegionConnect message
- Gathering of Lions - 2015
- Colonel (R) Rick McLaughlin biography
2014 additions and updates.
- ROAR November 2014
- Added Site Map
- Gordon Ockwell & Nickolaus Mulikow obituaries added
- New ROAR editor Dean Black welcomed
- Tiny Barnett obituary
- SPAADS reunion 2014, Victoria,B.C.
- John Jackaman story added to Helicopter file
- Biography of new CO at 427
- Al McMullan obituary
- Rob Robichaud obituary
- Jim Pugh obituary
- The Bud Foxton Story
- ROAR - April 2014
- Weldon Moffatt's file went public
- D-Day & Normandy Vets notice to travel for anniversary
- Added latest obits
- Financial Report - 2013
- Norm McSween's CF-104 Album
- Cold Warriors - The Story of a Starfighter Mission
2013 additions and updates.
- Sabre photos added
- Membership list updated and Lost Trails incorporated. Lost Trails page cancelled.
- Aircrew Remembered added to Links
- WW II Photos from Leeming, courtesy of Jim Craik
- Photos from Air Division from Bud White and Jim Craik
- Veterans who took part in D-Day-New medal See page 1 or News
- Added Membership Application to Page 1
- ROAR November 2013
- Links page updated
- Passing of W/C Pat Higgs
- add to Remember page
- Passing of W/C Bob Middlemiss
- Kaathoven Memorial
- Modifed Lost Trails, Remember
- ROAR April 2013
- Lost Trails
- 2012 Financial Report
- Video of the Adoption of 427 Squadron by MGM - 1943
- Video of W/C D.R. (Doc) Payne - RCAF Career - Part 1
- Photos and Videos of the Celebration of Life for Jack Frazer
2012 additions and updates.
- Jack Frazer obituary
- Don Buckler obituary
- ROAR November 2012
- Gathering of the Lions - 2012 -70th Anniversary
- Photos of the Bomber Command Memorial ceremony. Compliments of Harry Winter and Son- July
- Video of Canadian veterans and the Bomber Command Memorial ceremony - July
- Don Laidler obituary - April
- Chester Hull obituary - April
- Membership list added - March
- Reg Smith obituary - March
- Membership Directory - February
- Membership & Finance - 2012 February
- Mynarski Memorial Lancaster Flight Video February
- Spitfire Mark 1 Restoration- February
- "Beer Carrying" Spitfires - February
- My Flight to Malta by W/C(Ret.) Bob Middlemiss - February
- Interview Video of H/Col Bob Middlemiss - February
- Testimonial for H/Col Bob Middlemiss - February
- Added 434 Squadron (WW II) link & updated Jack Milner's latest to 422 Squadron - February
- Added "Great Escape Tunnel Found" - February
- Vern White's book being added(12 units out of 23)to Bio/Book/Story - January
- Add "The Story of Flight Lieutenant George Theodore Berg" - January
- Add "Two Lads from Weyburn" story - January
- Add Alex "Lou" Fellner"s wartime crash - January
- Update Lost Trails list - January
- Google Translation option added - January
- Add bio for Joe Burns - January
- Add link to 422 Squadron site - January
- Recode Alan Todd's bio - January
2011 additions and updates.
- Doc Payne Story(CO 427, 1959-60) added - December
- Vern White's book being added (8 units out of 23)to Bio/Book/Story - December
- G/C Dudley Burnside pictures added - December
- Remembrance day activities with Hon. Col. Bob Middlemiss - December
- Len Pratt's obit added- December
- Emil Zuber's obit added- December
- re_worked and expanded Bio/Book/Story- November
- Interesting Links added- October
- October 2011 ROAR added - October
- Yellow Wings brochure - September
- 2011 GOL notification added - September
- Added photos of Bob attending and speaking at Buzz Beurling dedication - September
- Added 427 Squadron Commanding Officers from 1942 to 1970 - August
- More monthly War Diary and Operations Log files modified to document format from scanned pages - July
- Added Bob Ayres & Sam Firth obituaries - June
- Added two newspaper articles covering Camp Borden tribute and museum to honour W/C Bob Middlemiss - June
- Belatedly added Canadian Starfighter Association Link - June
- Added/deleted Links - May
- Camp Borden Tribute to Hon/Col Bob Middlemiss - May
- ROAR added - March
- Generic Sabre booklet added - March
- Canadair Sabre 6 Handbook added - March
- All monthly wartime logs completed - March
- June, August, October, November, December 1944 wartime monthly logs completed - February
- March, April, May 1945 wartime monthly log completed - February
- Globe and Mail Obituary for W/C Pete St. Louis - February
- February 1945 wartime monthly log completed - February
- Finance and Membership Update - January
- January 1945 wartime monthly log - January
2010 additions and updates.
- Pete St. Louis obituary - December
- Memoirs - November
- Google site and web search to each main page - November
- More videos accessed from Home, News - November
- "The Middlemiss Video" accessed from Home or Biographies (About Us) - November
- "The Vogan File"(material from son) accessed from the obit - November
- GOL 2010 Report into news - November
- Biographies now available from About Us - November
- Photo of W/C St. Louis and W/C Middlemiss on handover of 427 Diary - October
- 1960 3 (F) Wing, Zweibrucken, Germany Information Booklet - October
- All course photos from Sabre OTU at Chatam, N.B. - September
- Ted Hessel ~1960 Photos from 3 Wing - September
- Wartime logs from November,1942 to May,1944 now in new colours. - September
- Keith Rattew 1986 Photos from 427 SPAADS reunion in Vancouver - September
- Pictures regarding Spitfire gift for Bob Middlemiss - September
- Biography and pictures on the ocassion of HCol Middlemiss's 90th birthday - August
- Article from Col. Christian Drouin, Wing Commander, Kandahar - July
- Pictures from memorial unveiling for the crew of Halifax LV836 - May
- Modified Home intro - May
- March 2010 ROAR - March
- 427 SOAS Official web site link - March
- New links-see Home page - February
- Changed web design & colour - January
2009 additions and updates
- GOL 2009 Report(Dec. 2009)
- 67th anniversary Booklet - GOL 2009(Nov. 2009)
- New search engine added(Oct. 2009)
- Added ROAR October 2009/Lost Trails(Oct. 2009)
- New ROAR mailed on October 20, 2009
- Added GOL Poster 2009(Sep 2009)
- Added "Sick List"(May 2009)
- Family Reunion at Crash Site (June 2009)
- Comox- 100 years of Flight in Canada(May 2009)
- Update Membership/Finance(Apr.2009)
- Added new link, minor changes(Apr.2009)
- April 1944 log finished(Mar.2009)
- Changed layout/added search(Mar.2009)
- Added time and temperature icons- (Jan.2009)
- Added Mar.1944 to WW 11 file - (Jan.2009)
- Updated Lost Trails (under News) - (Jan.2009)
2008 additions and updates
- Added Jan. & Feb. 1944 to WW 11 file - (Nov.2008)
- Un-inserting finger so ENTER now works - (Nov.2008)
- ROAR Issue 4 included - (Oct.2008)
- 66th GOL Invitation in NEWS - (Sep. 2008)
- ROAR Issue 3 included - (Sep.2008
- 427 SPAADS at Quebec in NEWS - (Sep.2008)
- Re-designed web site - (Sep. 2008)