Bomber Command Memorial Dedication Ceremony - June, 2012

Photos compliments of Harry Winter and son

Harry Winter - Wireless Operator Air
Military Service - 427 Squadron - September, 1941 to April, 1946

Harry Winter enroute to the Ceremony

Harry in car, off to Ceremony

Harry joined the RAF in September, 1941 and was trained as a Sergeant Wireless Operator Air. While he was serving with 427 Squadron his aircraft was shot down on the night of 22/23 October 1943 during an operation on Kassel. He was wounded and spent time recuperating before being sent to Bankau, Poland. In January, 1945 he and fellow POWs were force marched through Czechoslovakia to south of Berlin because of Russian advances. They were liberated by Russian troops in April 1945.

Harry's fascinating story has been documented in an Appendix of the book "The Relentless Offensive", War and Bomber Command 1939-1945 by author, Roy Irons.

Bomber Command Crest

Memorial from afar

memorial statues

memorial statues

Memorial Inscription

Memorial Inscription

Memorial Inscription

Memorial Inscription

Stage for ceremony

Tornado fly by

Lancaster dropping poppies

Poppies dropiing over ceremony

Arrival of Charles and Camilla

Charles and Camilla

Prince Charles

Charles meeting the crowd

The Queen on the Stage screen

Harry Winter and Carol Voderman (the MC)

Frank Headington and myself

John Davis and myself

Harry and friend

Harry and Air Commadore Charles Clarke

Harry and 427 friend

 Harry, AC Clarke and Interviewer

Harry, Carol Voderman, Frank Headington

